Innovation and Commercialization information

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Solar Training Centre at the NWU Engineering Faculty

Elec System (SUNFARMING)
Going of the grid!

Can a household use solar power to not only supply power to household equipment, but become mobile as well?

The answer is a big Yes. One can go off the grid in a household but what about a BIG university campus building?

Is it possible?

At the NWU ANYTHING is possible, and if you want to be innovative, you can.

Prof LJ Grobler, Dean of the Eng. Faculty
Recently the NWU opened a Solar Training centre in collaboration with a German company called Sunfarming. The goal is to train students to have knowledge to use in industry in the foreseeable future. The solar panels generate electricity and it is directly fed into the grid. There are no batteries and therefore the system is very efficient. When the solar panels can't generate enough power, the ESKOM supply will augment the shortfall. 

NWU is going GREEN with electric scooters and e-bikes. GO NWU !!

http://inw.org.za/download_files/Energy,%20Food%20and%20Advanced%20Manufacturing.pdf p.61

Inspiring Innovation at NWU

Publish with permission from iKISV Nov 13' Vol 1 no. 2 Werner vd Merwe 22754504@nwu.ac.za